
Book Your Personalized Demo!

  • 29 Days Average Account Receivable
  • 97% First-pass Clean Claim Ratio
  • 10−20% Increase in Topline Revenue
  • 97% Denial Resolution
  • ONC Certified EHR Product
  • Advanced Quality Metrics
  • In-House EHR Without 3rd Party Dependencies
  • AI-Powered Charting
  • Single User Login for EHR, RCM, and RPM
  • Auto Coding for Efficiency

    Join 15000+ providers who already trust OmniMD

    Hear from Our Clients

    Megan Rice

    All our staff and location directors are happy with the OmniMD suite of product and services. OmniMD staff has been wonderful to work with. The customized DICOM parser is a huge win for us. OmniMD has helped us save money and made our operations efficient as we have grown. Charting is fast and comprehensive. All the workflows we need are in the EHR. We plan to onboard several more practices in the coming months.

    Megan Rice

    RN, CSM - Vice President

    Dr Dawn Walker

    After comparing many EMRs, I determined that OmniMD was the best software for my new clinic. I run a high volume family practice clinic. OmniMD is used for scheduling, reminder calls, medical records, insurance and patient billing. OmniMD is a critical tool for my practice. It is a very good software, but I am also very pleased with the level of service OmniMD provides with their technical support team.

    Dawn K. Walker, D.O.

    Walker Family Medicine, PLC

    Maureen Lacy

    Our practice has been very pleased with the outcomes of your billing and collection services. You have been both informative and patient as we continue to become a more efficient practice. We have recognized that collections have been improved due to your diligence and tenacity. Thank you for your kindness and hard work.

    Maureen Lacey-Office Manager

    Psychiatry Practice

    Dr. Rajeev Sindhwani

    OmniMD has been our trusted interoperability and integration partner since 2008. The OmniMD team is focused on meeting our deadlines, staying within budget and creating the best experience for our providers throughout our health system.

    Dr. Rajeev Sindhwani

    Medical Director

    Brands That Trust Us

    OmniMD AI Charting to cut your documentation time by 70%
