

We are a Healthcare IT and Software Engineering company headquartered in New York, with over 30 years of industry experience & a pool of 250+ skilled professionals across a 24X7 development and support platform. A leading provider of all-in-one electronic health record (EHR), practice management (PM), revenue cycle management (RCM) & interoperability solutions for healthcare organizations. We bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the businesses we serve.


  • Orenge Tick iconOur thoughts, speech and action will be in synchronization
  • Orenge Tick iconWhatever we do, we will do the best
  • Orenge Tick iconWhatever we do, we do in the best interest of the customer
  • Orenge Tick iconWe build employees, who will build our organization
  • Orenge Tick iconWhoever will come in contact with us, will be delighted – Client, Employees, Shareholders, Vendors, Government, Environment and many more like next door neighbor as well.
  • Orenge Tick iconWe live fulfilled life in multiple dimension – Professionally, Physically, Financially, Spiritually and Socially
  • Orenge Tick iconWe don’t ask anybody to do anything, that we won’t do ourselves
  • Orenge Tick iconWhile doing all these, we will have fun

Products and Solutions

Patient Experience

EHR Software

Simple, yet savvy patient charting, decision-making, data transfer, and reporting.

Patient Experience

Practice Management

Integrated practice management and billing software for better scheduling, clean claims and faster payment.

Patient Experience

Patient Portal

Engage your patients with a wide variety of self-help tools and time-saving features.

Patient Experience


Enable virtual visits to reduce travel and improve patient experience.

Patient Experience


Fast, safe, and securely prescribed controlled and non-controlled drugs to over 70,000+ pharmacies. Avoid lost and illegible scripts.

Patient Experience

Managed Billing Services

Reduce staff and office footprint with outsourced revenue cycle management for more revenue and faster cash flow.



Healthcare Professionals


Healthcare Facilities


Customer Service Excellence


Patients Records




Customer Retention

Our Mission

Taking an innovative approach to enable clients to exceed their information technology goals; helping enterprises achieve digital transformation cost-effectively.