Are You Getting Cardiology Billing Denials? 9 Tips to Prevent Leaking Revenue

Are You Getting Cardiology Billing Denials? 9 Tips to Prevent Leaking Revenue

Are You Getting Cardiology Billing Denials? 9 Tips to Prevent Leaking Revenue

October 29, 2020


Billing denials adversely affect the operational and financial efficiency of a healthcare practice resulting in higher administrative charges. According to a recent Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) report, 76.1% of healthcare leaders say that denial is the biggest challenge.

By the time your claim gets denied, you have already spent not less than two weeks. Then to appeal a denied claim, you invest additional time, money, and resources. It also means a longer waiting period to receive reimbursements. Cardiology billing denial is no exception.

With more insurance companies imposing stricter eligibility criteria for claims submission, cardiologists find it increasingly difficult to receive reimbursements. Wondering why cardiology claims get denied? Some of the most common reasons for cardiology billing denials are:

  • Incorrect or incomplete documentation.
  • Illegible handwriting if claims are manually submitted.
  • Incorrect coding.
  • Missing modifiers, combination codes.
  • Preauthorization not obtained.

How to Prevent Cardiology Billing Denials

As outlined by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), a practice should achieve a 95% or higher clean claim rate. Interestingly, most practices struggle to achieve a clean rate above 75%. Now even for a small practice that files 2000 claims with a 10% denial rate, it comes to 200 denied claims! According to MGMA, reworking a claim costs $10-$25, translating into a considerable number for these 200 claims.

Given the complexity of these challenges, you should act fast and start with addressing the core issues. To help you understand where it could go wrong, we have shared nine tips. Following these will surely increase the clean claims ratio and prevent denials or audits.

1. Avoid Late Filing

In order to meet timely filing requirements, billers need to make sure their claims are acceptable. A claim can be rejected at any stage, and once it returns to your desk, half the time is gone. Note that your payer is only interested in entertaining your claim when submitted with the required elements necessary for processing and well before the deadline.

Familiarize yourself with the best practices that ensure timely filing of claims to avoid denials:

  • Always check payer-wise timely filing limits on claims submission.
  • File fresh claims daily.
  • Appeal denied or rejected claims before the deadline.
  • Use an electronic claim submission software to avoid late filing.

2. Enter Correct Patient Information

Most mistakes start with the patient registration process. Avoid entering incorrect patient data and always double-check their date of birth, name or spelling, subscriber number, and other important information before filing. As, managing patient files manually can be challenging and there are chances of misplacing them, you can use an EHR to manage patient information and health records easily, update real-time, and securely share with authorized users. It will also help you avoid repeated paperwork and chances of mistakes.

3. Minimize Coding Errors

Accurate coding is critical to achieving claim success. Cardiology practices often face various challenges, such as, entering incorrect or deleted codes, missing modifiers or combination codes, lacking specialty-specific coding experience, and under coding. As a result, claims are either denied or underpaid. Codes like 93880 (non-invasive cerebrovascular arterial study) can be billed twice a year only. 93297 and 93295 cannot be used in conjunction together. To minimize coding mistakes, refer to the latest CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10 CM and PCS code books. Subscribe to the quarterly newsletter released by the American Heart Association (AHA) to stay informed about the recent updates and changes. Additionally, you should often check for updates with the CMS and local regulatory bodies.

4. Check Insurance Coverage

Whether you are rendering service to returning patients or registering new clients, it is necessary to verify the patient’s eligibility and benefits each time.

Pay attention to:

  • Pre-existing conditions.
  • Lifetime benefit cap.
  • Change of employer or insurance plans.
  • Whether your facility is listed as in network or out of network provider.
  • Cardiac tests and services are not covered under the plan.

5. Avoid Duplicate Filing

Beware of duplicate filing claims for the same individual, same visit, and same service. Consider periodic audits and remove duplicates. When appealing a denied claim, ensure the necessary corrections. Failing to comply with the rules and resubmitting claims without making proper changes will lead to your claim being denied on the ground of duplicate billing and may even lead to auditing.

6. Use Diagnoses and Signs/Symptoms Codes Judiciously

According to the 2019 ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, Section I-B, healthcare practitioners are required to report confirmed diagnoses, if found, and not use signs/symptoms codes (2). The report indicates, “Codes that describe symptoms and signs, as opposed to diagnoses, are acceptable for reporting purposes when a related definitive diagnosis has not been established (confirmed) by the provider.”

7. Seek Pre-Authorization When Needed

Nearly 64% of physicians report it is difficult to determine which tests and procedures require pre-auth by insurers. Many cardiologists lose out on their claim(s) settlement failing to abide by the pre-auth requirements. Several cardiac procedures on the heart and pericardium like ‘pacemaker installation, ‘electrophysiologic’ and/or implantation of hemodynamic monitors, etc., require preauthorization. If you render services that fall under this criterion, verify with the insurance provider, and obtain a preauthorization.

8. Ensure Complete & Accurate Documentation

Incorrect documentation can cost your time, revenue, and put you at risk for denials and payer audits. As short-hand notes can be confusing and lack depth, you should ensure complete documentation and transcription. It will help you avoid unnecessary hassle and miscommunication with billers and coders. An Electronic Health Record and Practice Management System can efficiently help you achieve higher accuracy.

9. Optimize Revenue Cycle Management Software

Using an advanced revenue cycle management software can significantly reduce administrative errors and billing denials. For example, OmniMD comes with intuitive solutions for cardiologists, and specialty healthcare providers, such as it triggers alerts, generates automated predictive analysis to potential flag denials, offers preauthorization tracking module all in one place. Consider switching to an effective and efficient EHR and Revenue Cycle Management software to enhance your claims filing experience and minimize revenue cycle gaps.

Cardiology billing denial is both unnecessary and avoidable. With the best practices and effective revenue cycle management software, you can surely achieve a higher clean claim rate and prevent denials.

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5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Medical Practice Billing

5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Medical Practice Billing

5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Medical Practice Billing

October 1, 2020


The business of running a medical practice is becoming more challenging every day. Second only to patient care, revenue cycle management is critical to building and maintaining a thriving medical practice. Many practices have discovered that outsourcing their medical billing process can provide the highest return on investment by improving cash flow, minimizing the administrative process, and reducing the office footprint.  Here are 5 reasons why outsourcing medical billing may be right for your practice.

1. Gain More Control Over Medical Billing

Outsourcing medical billing does not mean you have to give up control of your revenue cycle process. Instead, the right medical billing partner should be able to give you a better view using a billing dashboard to give you and customized snapshot of where your practice is in the reimbursement and payment process. The best medical billing companies provide detailed reporting of claims status, revenue, copays collected and reimbursement turnaround.  Your practice can gain even more control by not having to keep up with changing regulations and payer rules.

2. Spend More Time with Patients

With an integrated outsources medical billing service, your staff can focus on patient care and the overall patient experience. Let the medical billing company scrub and manage claims, collect copays and deal with insurance companies. You can focus on practicing medicine to improve patient outcomes and the quality of care.

3. Improve Cashflow and Reimbursement

With an integrated revenue cycle process, your medical billing partner can ensure that claims are cleaner, patient co-copays are collected, and reimbursement turnaround time is maximized. No more resubmitting denied claims and supporting documentation. Your medical billing partner can manage the entire process faster and more efficiently to give a better cash flow.

4. Reduce the Office Footprint

Free up space in your medical office and reduce staffing expenses by outsourcing your entire billing department. Your practice will no longer have to manage costly software updates and hardware purchases. Eliminate billing staff turnaround and cut the payroll cost of having an inhouse medical billing team. Put your focus on hiring skilled and experienced patient care professionals instead of worrying about billing and coding. You can even reduce and make better use of every square foot of your medical office.

5. Minimize Stress

Keeping up with ever changing regulations, coding updates, fluctuating payer rules, and documenting quality measures can be a strain on your medical practice. This, in turn, can significantly impact reimbursement. The right outsourcing partner can carry the burden of ongoing training and education, software updates, and synchronizing data to maximized value-based payment models. No more agonizing calls with insurance companies tracking down unpaid or denied claims. Benefit from less burnout and better cash flow.

Given the many benefits, it makes good business sense to outsource medical billing. Of course, you need to find strong, efficient, and cost effecting outsourcing partner like OmniMD.

OmniMD Medical Billing Services can help you get paid faster, simplify billing workflow, reducing billing related expenses, and improving your cash flow through outstanding billing services.

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7 Reasons To Find The Right Medical Billing Software

7 Reasons To Find The Right Medical Billing Software

7 Reasons to Find the Right Medical Billing Software

October 1, 2020


It is no secret that the right medical billing software deliver clean claims, increase the quality and accuracy of patient information, and ensure timely reimbursement. The best medical billing software can help health care providers and medical billing specialists improve patient experience, prevent mistakes, and facilitate better revenue cycle management.

These sophisticated tools should be equipped with functionalities that trigger alerts and flag concerns that require special attention for the highest accuracy.
Here are the top reasons to get the right medical billing solution:

1.Increase Accuracy and Data Quality

Accurate documentation of patient demographic data is essential to prevent denials and get you paid faster. Manual entry often leaves room for errors. Even the slightest mistake in spelling can increase the chances of inaccurate filing and may lead to denials and audits.

By opting for the right billing partner with advanced processes and technology, you can create the highest quality data in real-time and stay on top of accounts that need special attention.

Since many claims are denied due to exhausted pre-approvals or expired authorizations, you need medical billing software which can automatically trigger alerts to about claims that need reauthorization. This can ensure uninterrupted patient care and better management.

2. Improve Operational Efficiency

With state-of-the-art infrastructure, intuitively designed healthcare accounting software brings you comfort, clarity, and more control over your data. If you have a centralized platform where you can both update patient information and manage billing and claims, you can optimize clinical and operational workflow.

An intuitive medical billing solution can improve communication and let you visualize detailed analytics for better claims management and a faster billing process. You should also be able to access data virtually anytime, anywhere

3. Get Cleaner Claims

When a claim is approved and paid on its first submission, it is usually due to clean claims. Scrubbing claims is imperative for a to ensure higher and faster reimbursement. A claim should have no errors, to eliminate additional requests for information, and stop the change of rejection.

Top medical practices maintain a clean claims rate of 90% or more. With a medical billing solution designed for multidisciplinary collaboration, you can easily collect and share patient and financial  data in less time.

By partnering with the right medical billing software company, you can ensure correct coding information, cleaner claims, and higher claims acceptance.

4. Get Paid Faster

Missed deadlines should be a thing of the past. With a smart medical billing software, you can set automatic reminders, so you can stay on top of administrative tasks.. Intelligent medical billing solutions can verify insurance eligibility before the patient is treated. It can reduce the need to call health insurance payers.

Medical practices can efficiently organize records, check eligibility, inspect codes, self-validate claims before submitting claims electronically. As you know how important it is to timely submit a claim with accuracy for faster payment, medical billing solutions ensure that you do just that.

5. Secure and Backup Your Data

Data privacy and security should be at the heart of medical billing solutions. You need medical billing software which is securely hosted on cloud-based servers, patient information and sensitive data are always encrypted across locations.

Additionally, such software provides high-quality, automatic data backup which prevents any possibility of data loss due to natural disaster or misplacement of files. The best part is you do not need technical expertise to use a billing software because they are designed to self-update.

6. Better Connect Your Practice

From collecting patient data to billing and tracking, verifying insurance benefits to seeking authorizations, healthcare accounting software should come with a robust set of tools to improve workflow and ensure proper billing.

Best practice is to integrate your billing software with an efficient EHR system. That way you get complete transparency and access to resources right at your fingertips.

With integrated software, you can access information from anywhere, easily update patient information accurately, enable electronic payments, analyze revenue data, and efficiently coordinate with other departments.

7. Improve Patient Experience

Medical billing software should work as a supportive system. It should efficiently handle the backend tasks so that you can spend more time providing care to your patients.

An integrated system can also help with scheduling follow up appointments and sending timely reminders to patients., You can manage check-in, verify insurance coverage, produce accurate bills, and send notifications when authorization is needed.

Choosing the best technology partner for medical billing is essential to give you actionable insights into clinical and operational data, simplify billing and tracking, and generate maximum ROI for your medical practice.

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Is Your EHR Making Your Life Better Or Worse?

Is Your EHR Making Your Life Better Or Worse?

Is Your EHR Making Your Life Better Or Worse?

October 1, 2020


At face value, it would seem the documenting and maintaining patient medical records electronically should be more efficient and easier for physicians and providers. However, many medical practices are finding Electronic Health Record (EHR) solutions can be more of a burden than an asset. Physicians complain that they keep putting data into the EHR, but have trouble accessing it in a simple, insightful way. The inability to extract and exchange information among many of today’s often-outdated EMR/EHR systems and providers negatively disrupts workflow, adversely affects the quality of patient care, and creates destructive confusion and ambiguity. The wrong EHR solutions greatly contribute to provider burnout and dissatisfaction.

Uncomplicate the User Interface of EHRs

Busy and complicated user interfaces on some EHRs can make patient record documentation and medical charting a cumbersome task. It can be hard to find the right patient, match diagnostic reports, and make informed decisions for your patients. These complicated, confusing EHRs can cause more harm than good, increasing patient safety issues. Medical providers are demanding that EHRs should have an uncomplicated, yet intelligent user interface. They want physician designed and specialty focused interfaces and dashboards that improve overall user experience. They want solutions that are smart, savvy and simply designed.

Reduce Data Related Gaps in Care

In addition to simplifying the UI, physicians are frustrated by incomplete patient medical records and disconnected care teams. Without integration and improved interoperability, there may be gaps in patient care, duplicate orders, and critical contraindications. They need an innovative EHR platform that connects the care team, practice management and revenue cycle management across their healthcare enterprise. They need systems that talk to each other. Integrated and interoperable medical practice technology solutions and data sources offer greater productivity and efficiency levels, and most importantly better decision-making that lead to improved patient outcomes.

Increase Time for Patient Care and Decrease Documentation Time

Physicians and practitioners want to spend their time making the best clinical decisions for their patients and producing better outcomes and experience, managing a tedious documentation process. Medical practices need the right technology that better enables them to deliver the best healthcare to their patient population.  They need a reinvented EHR that offers analytics and clinical decision support that is empowered with artificial intelligence.

Offer Specialty-specific Design and Functionality

Most EHRs are designed with a one size fits all methodology. There is limited flexibility and functionality for specialty-specific workflows and care plans.  Pediatric, cardiology, or oncology practices need very different capabilities than the standard EHR designed mostly for primary care physician practices. Plus, larger enterprise practices may have varying needs that smaller medical practices.  Physicians and practitioners need an EHR designed from their specialty and practice perspective. Templates and modules need to match the way they manage patient care within their specialty. Physician-constructed multi-specialty EHRs can accommodate varying medical specialties with customized functionality and an integrated platform to provide robust, reliable workflows.

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