Modifier 59 – Facts to Learn

Modifier 59 – Facts to Learn

Modifier 59 – Facts to Learn

April 15, 2021

Modifier 59

What is a Medical Coding Modifier?

A medical coding modifier is two-character letters or numbers appended to a CPT® or HCPCS Level II code. Modifiers indicate additional information about the procedure, service, or supply altered by some specific circumstance without a change in its definition or code. They won’t add information or change the outline of service to improve accuracy or specificity.

There are instances when coding and modifier information issued by the CMS differs from the AMA concerning the utilization of modifiers. A clear understanding of Medicare’s guidelines and regulations is vital to assign the suitable modifier(s).

There are numerous instances when a modifier use may be the most appropriate, for example:

  • A service or procedure has both professional and technical components.
  • More than one location is involved.
  • A service or procedure is increased or reduced in comparison to what the code typically requires.
  • More than one provider performs the service or procedure.
  • The procedure is bilateral.
  • The service or procedure is provided to the patient greater than once.

Let us go through some of the most used modifiers in the medical coding & billing industry!

Modifier 59 – Facts to Learn

At times, it is imperative to point out that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other non-evaluation and management (E/M) service(s) performed on the same day. Modifier 59 indicated usage is for procedures/services, other than E/M services, that are not normally reported together, but are appropriate under the circumstances.

It is the most pronounced modifier that affects National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) processing

The Medicare NCCI includes edits describe when two Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) / Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes should not be reported together.

A Correct Coding Modifier Indicator (CCMI) of “0” designates the codes should never be reported together by the same provider for the same beneficiary on the same date of service. If these are reported on the same date of service, the column one code is eligible for payment and the column two code is denied.

A CCMI of “1” signifies the codes may be reported together only in defined circumstances, which are identified on the claim using specific NCCI associated modifiers.

CCMI of “9” NCCI editing does not apply.

This modifier may be stated to emphasize that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day.

One of the common misuses of this modifier is related to the piece of the definition that allows its use to describe a “different procedure or surgery.”

The code descriptors of the two codes of a code pair edit usually signify different procedures, even though there may be an overlap. The edit indicates that the two procedures should not be collectively reported if performed at the same anatomic site and same patient encounter as those procedures would not be “separate and distinct.”

Modifier is most frequently used are for surgical procedures, non-surgical therapeutic procedures, or diagnostic procedures performed at different anatomic sites not ordinarily performed or encountered on the same day and cannot be described by one of the more specific anatomic modifiers.

Appropriate Use Cases of Modifier 59:

  • A different encounter.
  • Different procedure or surgery.
  • Different anatomical site or organ system: If two procedures are performed at separate anatomical sites or at separate patient encounters on the same date of service separate incision or excision
  • Separate lesion or separate injury (or area in injury in extensive injuries) not ordinarily encountered or performed on the same day by the same individual
  • Used for two services described by timed codes provided during the same encounter only when they are performed sequentially.
  • A diagnostic procedure which precedes a therapeutic procedure only when the diagnostic procedure is the basis for performing the therapeutic procedure.
  • No other appropriate modifier is available. Evaluate other modifiers such as the RT/LT identifying right and left, F1 – F0 to identify fingers, T1-T0 to identify toes, and E1-E4 to identify eyelids
  • Evaluate additional modifiers to determine appropriate usage

The CMS established 4 new HCPCS modifiers to provide greater specificity in situations where modifier 59 was previously reported.

  • XE – “Separate encounter, a service that is distinct because it occurred during a separate encounter;” use this modifier only to describe separate encounters on the same date of service
  • XS – “Separate Structure, a service that is distinct because it was performed on a separate organ/structure”
  • XP – “Separate Practitioner, a service that is distinct because it was performed by a different practitioner”
  • XU – “Unusual Non-Overlapping Service, the use of a service that is distinct because it does not overlap usual components of the main service”

Inappropriate Use Cases of Modifier 59:

  • When appended with an E/M  If submitted on E/M codes 99201-99499, E/M codes are processed as though a modifier were not present (i.e., the code pair will be subject to NCCI editing and has an indicator that does not allow bypass)
  • To report a separate and distinct E/M service with a non-E/M service performed on the same date
  • When other valid modifiers exist to identify the services, like RT, LT, E1-E4, TA, etc.
  • When clinical documentation does not support the separate and distinct status
  • When used to indicate multiple administration of injections of the same drug
  • When the NCCI tables lists the procedure, code pair with a modifier indicator of “0”

Important Tips for Coder and Biller

  • Bill all services performed on one day on the same claim
  • Report each service on a different line
  • Apply 59 to the subsequent procedures (if applicable)
  • More than one line with modifier 59 appended to the same procedure code requires submission of supporting information/documentation on the claim
  • Use modifier 59 to identify procedures or services not normally reported together, but is appropriate under certain clinical circumstances
  • Claims reporting modifier 59 on multiple lines for the same procedure code without a narrative or documentation to support the additional lines will receive rejection code 969/standard code 16 (Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s), needed for adjudication)

The key is that a provider’s clinical documentation must support the use of modifier 59 (or any other modifier).

Use Case 1:

Column 1 Code / Column 2 Code – 17000/11100

CPT Code 17000 – Destruction (e.g., laser surgery, electrosurgery, cryosurgery, chemosurgery, surgical curettement), premalignant lesions (eg, actinic keratoses); first lesion

CPT Code 11100 – Biopsy of skin, subcutaneous tissue and/or mucous membrane (including simple closure), unless otherwise listed.

Single lesion Modifier 59 may be reported with code 11100 if the procedures are performed at different anatomic sites on the same side of the body and a specific anatomic modifier is not applicable. If the procedures are performed on different sides of the body, modifiers RT and LT or another pair of anatomic modifiers should be used, not modifier 59.

Use Case 2:

Column 1 Code / Column 2 Code – 29827/29820

CPT Code 29827 – Arthroscopy, shoulder, surgical; with rotator cuff repair

CPT Code 29820 – Arthroscopy, shoulder, surgical; synovectomy.

Partial CPT code 29820 should not be reported and modifier 59 should not be used if both procedures are performed on the same shoulder during the same operative session because the shoulder joint is a single anatomic structure. If the procedures are performed on different shoulders, modifiers RT and LT should be used, NOT modifier 59.



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Reduce Denials with Your Registration and Scheduling Process

Reduce Denials with Your Registration and Scheduling Process

Reduce Denials with Your Registration and Scheduling Process

April 8, 2021

Reduce Denials with Your Registration and Scheduling Process

Did you know that scheduling and registration errors account for nearly 50% of denied claims? The promising yet also frustrating news is almost 100% of these denials are preventative. In today’s post, we’re going to discuss common reasons why this happens and how you can address the root cause. We’ll also guide you on exactly what information your front desk team needs to be collecting for every visit, regardless of whether it’s a new patient or an existing patient.

The first question you’re probably asking is, why is your front desk team missing these errors? Your initial response may be to reprimand the team for making mistakes. The reality is that we’re all human and make mistakes. However, it’s not as simple as telling your front desk staff to do better and stop making mistakes. Aside from human error, there are several other reasons why front desk denials occur.

Reducing denials is all about being able to identify the trends. How often is someone from your practice reviewing the denial codes and reasons to determine your top denial reasons? If your practice is not doing it currently, the time to start is now or if you’re doing it infrequently, start making it a monthly exercise. The answer to why front-end denials are happening lies in the data. Once you’ve identified the trends, it’s time to figure out the why. Here are three common factors that could answer why your practice is seeing such a high percentage of front-end denials.


Are you confident in your staff’s training? Front desk teams that are improperly trained will, without a doubt, make mistakes. Front desk staff needs to be trained not only on patient interaction and managing the schedule, but they also need an in-depth understanding of insurance and the claims process if they’re expected to collect patient information. Training is also not a one-and-done exercise. If there’s one thing you can count on in healthcare, it’s change, and your practice needs to ensure training on changes is happening. Regular training sessions are imperative to reducing front-end denials. Even if nothing’s changed, reviewing what’s required during scheduling and registration will go a long way.

Lack of Bandwidth

Are the mistakes being caused by the fact that your front desk and scheduling staff are too busy to make sure they’re collecting and verifying patient information? Given your patient volume, is it unrealistic to expect them to collect and verify every patient’s information in addition to their other responsibilities? Keep in mind your front desk staff is also the face of your practice. If patients observe staff running all over the place and so busy they’re unapproachable; your patient satisfaction rate will suffer.


Are you using technology and operational processes that give your front desk staff the best chance to succeed? EMR and practice management software should support the scheduling and registration process. If your team finds it difficult to navigate or time-consuming, it’s time to look at what changes can be made to the current system or evaluate another system that would better support your practice. It’s also good to assess your internal billing operations process from beginning to end to ensure you’ve got the right people in the right position and processes that drive efficiency.

As you’re identifying the cause, here’s a reminder on what patient information must be collected at every patient visit.

  • Verify patient demographics
    • Name
    • Birth Date
    • Address
    • Phone Number
    • Any changes since their last visit
  • Patient insurance information
    • Any changes in insurance coverage
    • Collect or confirm insurance provider
    • Ask about secondary insurance
    • Collect or confirm the patient’s identification number
    • Collect or confirm the patient’s group id
  • Insurance verification
    • Make a copy of the patient’s insurance card
    • Call or visit the payor’s website to confirm the patient’s coverage
    • Confirm patient’s insurance plan details
      • Amount the patient’s deductible
      • Required pre-authorizations
      • Included coverage
      • EDI payor ID
      • Referral requirements
      • Medical necessity LCM and NCD requirements

We understand how frustrating denials can be for practices and the impact they have on your revenue. Hopefully, we’re encouraged you to the first step into addressing your front-end denials by finding the root cause. If you’re still frustrated and are ready to call in an expert, OmniMD is here to help! Click here to schedule a call.

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Top 10 Most Common Claim Denials

Top 10 Most Common Claim Denials

Top 10 Most Common Claim Denials

April 1, 2021

Top 10 Most Common Claim Denials

Denials can be a massive thorn in a practice’s side. Chasing claims and resolving denials can be a huge time suck for your billing staff. Today on the blog, we will share the top 10 most common denials for physician practices.

  • Verifying Eligibility & Benefits:
    • A patient who is either ineligible or has no or expired insurance coverage will result in a denied claim.
  • Missing or Incorrect Information:
    • The most common mistake is missing critical information when the claim is submitted, e.g., missing service code, fields left blank, wrong plan code, etc. Due to sheer negligence, sometimes we make silly mistakes, like the birth year 1957 can be written mistakenly as 1975.
  • Incorrect Patient Demographics:
    • Anything in the basic patient demographics can be wrong, ranging from a patient’s nickname instead of a full name on the file, wrong DOB, and incorrect insurance ID can straightforwardly lead to a denial.
  • Non-covered Services:
    • Often, we fail to check eligibility and do not call payers to determine the coverage requirements. The patient’s insurance policy determines what’s covered and what’s not.
  • Pre-certification and Prior Authorization:
    • At times, especially when diagnostic studies and complex procedures are performed, a pre-authorization (MRI, CT scans, etc.) or pre-certification as indicated must be obtained from the payer based on the patient’s plan, failing which would lead to denials and is one of the most common causes of denials.
  • Submitting to the wrong insurance company:
    • Having the wrong insurance on file and submission to the wrong payer will lead to immediate rejection.
  • Timely and Appeal Filing Limits:
    • It is not uncommon for things to fall through the cracks—especially when you’re busy. There is a set time window following service for a claim to be reported to the payer. If you miss the train, the claim is bound to be denied. Similar is the case with appeal filing window limits for previously denied claims.
  • Incorrect Place of Service:
    • Each place of service has a two-digit code, and it is mandatory to specify where the service was performed (IPD, OPD, nursing home, ER) to get paid accurately.
  • Duplicate Claim:
    • Either knowingly or unknowingly, resubmitting an already submitted/approved claim is bound to be rejected and can be considered fraudulent.
  • Poor Coding:
    • Correct coding is essential for claims, so using the wrong CPT code, unmatched ICD-10 code, or wrong or no modifier, etc., can cause rejection. Also, coding is continuously evolving, and it can be easy to use and outdated code.

Now that we’ve identified the biggest culprits, you know what to watch out for and where it pays to tame time to check your work. OmniMD has created a Clean Claim Checklist to Reduce Denials to help in your claims process. Click here to download!

If denials are a concern for your practice, OmniMD would be happy to help. Click here to schedule a call.

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