How Next-GEN EHR Can Make Your Life Simpler

How Next-GEN EHR Can Make Your Life Simpler

How Next-GEN EHR can make your life simpler

November 21, 2023

Next-gen Electronic Health Record

Change is constant. This applies to the field of patient data whether it is handled by individual doctors or by large hospitals and healthcare services providers across the country. From storing patient records in Excel sheets to database systems the world of patient data records has progressed to electronic health records. Even within this we have different types of electronic health record systems such as one hosted by individual physicians known as electronic medical records, remotely hosted electronic health record software and remote systems accessible to a large number of users.  

However, what distinguishes these existing electronic health record systems is that they are passive or historical, simply maintaining a record of the patient’s illnesses, diagnostics and treatments at one or more facilities. This is good but proves to be a stumbling block when there are major issues like a pandemic where other parameters come into play such as preventive and proactive measures to identify vulnerable populations, keep track of infected individuals, their recovery rate, their specific conditions and reactions to treatment and data to take steps to prevent spread. There are blocks such as high cost, excessive documentation and lack of user friendliness in currently existing EHR systems. Most of these focused more on the administrative and financial side with the medical side added on as an afterthought.  These systems also imposed additional work burden on personnel. The Covid pandemic worldwide brought out these deficiencies and paved the way to introduce changes to electronic health record systems for the future.  

It is time for a change to the electronic health record systems and the way they are implemented and used.  

In fact, according to EHR Intelligence, the use of EHR in July, 2020 increased by 2.06% compared to the pre-pandemic times. 

Future developments in electronic health record software could and should include various advancements as detailed below. 

Structural technical underpinnings

Future EHR software applications should have solid technical underpinnings to incorporate latest advances in IT technologies such as: 

Algorithms need to be incorporated into medical EHR software to combine various case conditions, interconnected health issues, treatments based on patients’ individual situations, flexibility for healthcare workers to step in as may be needed according to the situation but do it automatically and speedily with minimal human intervention.  

Such futuristic electronic health record ehr solutions would also have advanced decision support and workflow logic to remind team members through a variety of channels about patients, available plans and facilities for fast action.  

The future medical ehr software will be able to fluidly deliver analytics for individuals and for populations within specific geographic regions and to have predictive capabilities as regards spread of a disease.  

Intelligence At The Core

As they stand current EHR software applications are focused on maintaining past data about patients, their activities and particularly the revenues side. Incorporation of intelligence into such EHR systems does not pose a big challenge given the voluminous amounts of data sets that can be used for machine learning to facilitate predictive capabilities. It could, for example, analyze variables such as whether a patient is following a treatment routine, their deviations and possible outcomes and suggest possible steps to remedy this kind of situation.  Importantly, futuristic electronic health record systems should be able to analyze and deliver suggestions to busy doctors so that they can put such suggestions into practice instead of wasting time in thinking about individual problems. Indirectly, analyzing patients in bulk who are infected with a specific disease could show up peculiar conditions that would be missed by most doctors treating individual patients. Real time big data analytics needs to become part of the overall electronic health record system to be used worldwide or countrywide, similar to the airlines reservation system in which all stake holders can get information in real time. This also has implications in disease detection, spread and preventative measures.  

The Question of Access

Though electronic health records are available for sharing by healthcare service providers, access still remains limited. The issue of accessibility needs to be addressed considering that 66% of users search for information on the internet and 88% of appointments is booked via phone or other digital means. Electronic health record systems can take a leaf out of how businesses manage their communications and manage customers by providing remote multi-channel access across various devices with fluid crossover from desktops to mobiles as and when needed, both for patients and doctors.  

Technologies to incorporate are natural language processing, voice recognition and IoT to further broaden the scope of accessibility.  

The question of accessibility also leads to standardization and uniformity of electronic health record systems as well as data protocols for glitch-free use and operation.  

Accessibility also raises issues of security that can be addressed using blockchain technology for validation, data security, claims, authentication and prevention of insurance frauds. 

Multiplicity Of Plans

Health care services would vastly improve and patients would benefit if future electronic health record software were to incorporate the facility to enable providers to prepare plans for various contingencies. 

Population Health Management

Instead of considering a single patient, the future electronic health record systems can help providers to set up plans for populations based on a set of parameters relating to disease, age, gender and economic drivers. Data can be gathered through various devices like smart watches and IoT devices and providers can take inputs to devise flexible plans.  

Health Information Exchange

Interoperability is a part of EHR but needs to be improved to give immediate access to any health care services provider, especially in cases of emergency.  


The more sophisticated a medical health record solution becomes in the future the more complex it is likely to be and it will likely involve a learning curve. Service providers in the healthcare segment would work alongside solution providers to give training to bring users up to speed on 5G technologies, AI’s benefits, IoT and wearables and how to use the system to derive the maximum benefit.  After all, sophisticated electronic health record software is like a sophisticated car or aircraft—one must know how to use it or it will be practically of little use. It pays to join hands with the right vendor who considers all these aspects when you decide to go for medical ehr software. 

Enhance patient engagement, improve accessibility, and leverage standardized processes. Get medical EHR software now! 

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How Legacy Data Can Be Managed When Migrating to New EHR Software

How Legacy Data Can Be Managed When Migrating to New EHR Software

How Legacy Data Can Be Managed When Migrating to New EHR Software

October 4, 2023

Next-gen Electronic Health Record

EHRs are the mainstay in most healthcare organizations today. However, a healthcare provider is sometimes required to seek a next-generation EHR, or a hospital may be required to switch to a new EHR system following a merger. The next question is what to do with the legacy data after replacing the EHR Software. The right way forward is to develop a legacy data management process focusing on aspects such as legacy data migration and archiving.

Problems with Legacy Data

Sometimes, it may be impossible to retire legacy data and related systems. So that legacy systems can be maintained and data be secure, healthcare facilities must pay high maintenance fees for software maintenance, data center costs, internal labor costs, and such. Even in the case of retired EHRs/EMRs, they become legacy systems if they are still used to extract data for information release for continuity of care.

Thus, legacy data can be any information that hasn’t yet been transferred to the new platform. As you will see, legacy systems likely do not receive any ongoing updates any longer but require annual subscription fees. Also, old passwords are probably lost, or the new staff is no longer trained on the old EHR System Software. Such situations pose an administrative nightmare, especially if requests for audits and legal requests for information are made.

Data Migration:

One of the ways that legacy data can be managed is by data migration in a healthcare facility to a new, smoother, and faster EHR. If possible, automatic data migration to the new system should be planned. Ideally, this process should begin when the new EHR is launched to maintain continuity of care. This process, in which data is moved to a new environment, is usually carried out by appropriately qualified service providers.

What is Data Migration in Healthcare?

Data migration is migrating or transferring data assets from a legacy system to a new system within a hospital environment. This is an essential aspect of modernization in hospitals, as with each passing day, much healthcare application data gets accumulated and even stored in medical facilities globally. Patient data that is held in legacy database solutions must be stored securely. The aim of transferring or migrating these records should be utmost safety and failproof operations to ensure that personal details, medical records, etc., are not lost or undermined.

Healthcare Data Migration Benefits:

Migrating healthcare data has its benefits. Some of these benefits are mentioned here:

  • Better Reliability: You stay in tune with all the benefits of replacing your legacy healthcare system. In vogue, you also keep informed of the new advanced security protocols and software management methods.
  • Faster Overall Performance: Since the new EHR software will be quicker and smoother, it will perform faster than the legacy system.
  • Reduces Costs: It can be costly to maintain legacy systems. The legacy system could have stopped receiving updates and support long ago.
  • Higher Productivity: Clinicians and other healthcare professionals can deliver higher productivity, which means they eventually handle their work with less effort and more efficiency.

Legacy Data Archiving:

Since most healthcare data must be stored indefinitely according to legislation, it is appropriate if the legacy data is archived. Legacy data can be archived cost-effectively. Also, the specialists and managers can access all the stored data whenever needed. Also, it is possible to archive all the data not currently in active demand. Data archiving also helps modernize the legacy data systems or EHR Service Software in healthcare.

Advantages of archiving healthcare data:

  • Substantial Savings: Since you can do away with the expenses of managing a legacy data system, you only need to cover operational fees while employing a data archiving solution. 
  • Better Compliance: Data archiving means the goal of meeting the requirements of HIPAA and other regulations becomes easier.
  • Boosts Productivity: A better archiving system helps improve the productivity of the medical establishment’s staff.
  • Easy Accessibility: An archiving system that allows easy access to data benefits the entire healthcare organization by enabling you to utilize it without any issues.

End Note:

Many healthcare organizations struggle to discover how to handle legacy data when switching EHRs. Fortunately, technology in the form of data migration and data archival can help. While implementing a new EHR, you should not overlook your legacy data. It would help if you were proactive about legacy data migration and archiving so your healthcare organization does not face any issues later. If you don’t take care of your legacy data, you could regret your decision, creating significant hindrances along the way. OmniMD offers an EHR that is designed to gel seamlessly with your workflows. It helps manage your documents, reminds you of your clinical summaries, helps prescribe the proper medication, and provides complete analytics. Contact us to learn more!

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